Ribbons Pattern

Crocheted Cancer Ribbon:

Materials used: Caron Simply Soft, H, J, or K hook, Yarn Needle (I prefer H hook with Caron SS)

Skill level: Easy

Chain 31

Row 1: sc in first 12 ch st. 2 sc in each of next 6 ch st. sc in last 12 ch st.

Row 2: ch 1. sc in first 12 st. For the next 12 st – Repeat:  2 sc in st, 1 sc in next st. 1 sc in each of remaining 12 st.

Row 3: ch 1. sc in first 12 st. For the next 18 st – Repeat: 2 sc in st, 1 sc in each next 2 st.  1 sc in each of remaining 12 st.

Before fastening off, do a round of slip stitches around the entire piece then fasten off.

Arrange the curved strip into the ribbon shape. Using a yarn needle and piece of yarn, sew the ribbon together where the “legs” cross. Weave in tails.

Finished ribbon is approximately 4 inches tall, 2.5-3 inches wide.

Please let me know if anything is not clear in the above pattern! Feel free to make as many ribbons as you like for personal use, gifts or for charity. Please do not copy/reproduce this pattern or pictures for your own monetary gain.

(c) copyright 2011 – Michelle Drenzek

Note: I have also used this same pattern using crochet thread (#10) and a #1/2.75mm hook. This makes the ribbon size 2 inches tall, 1.5-1.75 inches wide.


40 thoughts on “Ribbons Pattern

  1. Hi,
    I love this pattern! It’s very easy and quick to make and has a great overall shape. Thank you for sharing this pattern!
    PS How can I stop my projects from curling/twisting?

  2. Hi-your ribbons look awesome! I am trying to follow along but have gotten a little confused in round 2…could you please clarify what you mean when you say “repeat”? Do I sc for 12 and then sc for another 12? Please, HELP 🙂


    • Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, things have been crazy here.

      On round 2, what you will do is:
      1 sc in each st for 12 st.
      Then in the next 12 st, you will repeat (2 sc in st, 1 sc in next st).
      Then the last 12 st will be 1 sc per st.

      I hope this helps to clear this up for you. Please let me know if you have any other problems.

  3. This pattern is nice! I like the way the ribbons look..may have to try you’re pattern 🙂 I made one of my own as well. I have been making ribbons for my shop.

  4. I get stuck on row 3. I get to where I do 2sc in the next 18 st, then 1sc in each next 2 st. 1 sc in each of the remaining 12st. But I end up with extra stitches that haven’t been used. Also how do you get your ribbons to lay flat?

    • Linda,
      What you want to do in row 3 according to the pattern is: “For the next 18 st – Repeat: 2 sc in st, 1 sc in each next 2 st”. So what you do for this section is, do 2sc in a stitch, then 1 sc in next 2 stitches, then 2 sc in stitch, then 1 sc in next 2 stitches, repeat this until you’ve used up the 18 stitches for this part of the pattern then do 1 sc for the remaining 12 st. This will help the ribbon lay flat.

      I think the current issue is that you are doing the 2sc per stitch for 18 stitches then doing the 1 sc each for the next two, this causes you to have your ribbon curl badly in the center because you have too many stitches.

      Please let me know if you have any other issues and I will try to help clear them up. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Midnite Crafting Crochet & More

  6. May I make some of this and donate them to my cousin to raise awareness for Rett syndrome which her daughter has. I’m sure they would like to sell them. Would it be ok with you? Plz and thank you

  7. I’m in the process of making prayer flags. Thanks for posting this pattern. I will use it on my Heal/Cure breast cancer flag which I am making in honor of my niece who recently had radical surgery.

  8. Thank you…this was a sweet, little ribbon to make for those who need to be uplifted! Very easy(for a novice crocheter)

  9. Do you know how I would go about making a ribbon that is half pink & half blue for pregnancy loss awareness? Any idea how the pattern would be altered? I can mess with it to figure it out, but thought I’d ask in case you already knew 🙂

    • I haven’t had a chance to play around with making a 2-color ribbon.I hope you were able to figure it out! I’ll have to get some yarn out and start playing around with it and see what I can figure one of these days.

  10. Hey there…I have not tried this pattern yet, was just wondering(i like to plan project ib my head before i try it out) if a ribbon has two colors where would I switch colors to make it pretty and neat?

    • I have not tried a two-color ribbon yet so I’m not sure what the best way would be for changing the colors neatly to make the two-color ribbons. I would love to see one finished though! I’ll have to make these again soon and see what I can come up with.

  11. Thank you! My sister has just been diagnosed with esophageal cancer! My family has several losses to cancer; Thankfully doctors feel sure she can beat this.

  12. Making these ribbons for my granddaughter to sell in October to raise money for breast cancer awareness I thought the pattern was very easy to follow thank you. I’m going to make some in the crochet threat also

  13. I found your ribbon pattern as I was looking for a pattern I could use for and epilepsy awareness pin.
    Would it be ok if I used your ribbon pattern, but using purple yarn which is the color of epilepsy awareness? Ty Fillippa

    • I am so sorry, I didn’t see your comment until now. The latest update on my phone doesn’t show me notifications from WordPress any longer. You are more than welcome to use any color you want for the ribbons. 🙂

  14. I love this pattern. I do the walk for cancer and when people donate, I will give them this ribbon. I ended some at row two to make it smaller and it is perfect, too. Thank you.

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